Friday, September 11, 2009

Watching For The Goods

It's been an interesting short week after the long weekend. Damn, has it gone fast! I still don't feel like I am on the right day of the week, or all caught up on anything.

I am, however, still patiently waiting for a bit of Twilight News to really light my fire. You know, something that isn't shopping, sushi, or people leaving Vancouver.

Alice Cullen,ashley greene

I'm watching and waiting . . . .for you to do something already.

Thankfully, the MTV VMA's are this weekend, which means that at least there will be new fun photos to play with. And video clips, which I like. And of course ... the fodder for fan made video clips and photo manips, which are even more fun.

I'll be driving back to the East Coast for part of the weekend, though, but I am looking forward to some "me" time after all this "family time", and "me" time means a big bunch of "catching up on Twistuff" time is about to occur. Yay!

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